Historic scenes of downtown Jacksonville in color

A collection on historic scenes from Downtown Jacksonville's past in color.

The Downtown Jacksonville waterfront and skyline during the late 1910s. (State Archives of Florida)

The Ocean Street wharf and fish market prior to its 1950s redevelopment into a riverfront surface parking lot. (State Archives of Florida)

The mouth of Hogans Creek and East Jacksonville prior to the creation of the Sports and Entertainment District (State Archives of Florida)

Famed musician Duke Ellington taking a break at a LaVilla motel while on tour in town in 1955.

The former Duval County Courthouse at the intersection of Forsyth and Market Streets. (State Archives of Florida)

The Northbank skyline prior to the construction of the Main Street Bridge. (State Archives of Florida)

A Jacksonville Traction Company streetcar in front of the Jacksonville Terminal. (State Archives of Florida)

A scene from the Main Street Bridge opening parade on July 18, 1941. (State Archives of Florida)

Looking west down Bay Street from Ocean Street. (State Archives of Florida)

Oliver W. Jr., the trotting ostrich around 1906. (State Archives of Florida)

Article by Ennis Davis, AICP. Contact Ennis at edavis@moderncities.com