2020 Ranking of U.S Cities by ParkScore Released
The Trust for Public Land has released its annual ParkScore list for the country's 100 largest cities. The ParkScore criteria includes the percentage of residents who live within a 10-minute walk of a park, percentage of city land dedicated to parks and recreation, park amenities and a city's investment in its parks.
Washington Place (Baltimore)
51. Oakland, CA 89
52. Orlando, FL 64
53. Colorado Springs, CO 74
54. Dallas, TX 71
55. Tulsa, OK 60
56. Tampa, FL 63
56. Phoenix, AZ 49
58. Baltimore, MD 87
59. Arlington, TX 58
60. Riverside, CA 51
Lake Eola Park (Orlando)
60. North Las Vegas, NV 64
62. Lexington, KY 54
63. Bakersfield, CA 46
64. Miami, FL 87
65. Chandler, AZ 62
66. Greensboro, NC 63
66. El Paso, TX 59
68. Reno, NV 76
69. Newark, NJ 94
70. Nashville, TN 43
Bayfront Park (Miami)
70. Chula Vista, CA 67
72. Durham, NC 51
73. Detroit, MI 80
74. Glendale, AZ 75
75. San Antonio, TX 43
76. Corpus Christi, TX 75
77. Toledo, OH 81
78. Houston, TX 61
79. Jacksonville, FL 35
80. Wichita, KS 54
Campus Martius Park (Detroit)
81. Louisville, KY 38
82. Winston-Salem, NC 37
83. Garland, TX 63
84. Tucson, AZ 63
85. Santa Ana, CA 75
86. Laredo, TX 54
87. Stockton, CA 74
88. Memphis, TN 46
89. Irving, TX 64
90. Hialeah, FL 69
St. James Court Fountain (Louisville)
91. Baton Rouge, LA 54
92. Fresno, CA 67
93. Lubbock, TX 56
94. Fort Worth, TX 61
95. Charlotte, NC 37
96. Mesa, AZ 66
97. Oklahoma City, OK 38
N/A Fort Wayne, IN 48
N/A Gilbert, AZ 31
N/A Indianapolis, IN 35
Marshall Park (Charlotte)
See the list here: https://www.tpl.org/parkscore
Article by Ennis Davis, AICP. Contact Ennis at edavis@moderncities.com