The Makeover of Giralda Plaza

The makeover of Giralda Avenue in the heart of Downtown Coral Gables serves as a visual example of the power of clustering, complementing uses within a compact urban setting and the quick impact of the revitalization strategy.

Additional Before and After Images of Giralda Plaza

Giralda Avenue in 2009. (Google Streetview)

Giralda Plaza in 2019. (Ennis Davis, AICP)

Giralda Avenue in 2009. (Google Streetview)

Giralda Plaza in 2019. (Ennis Davis, AICP)

Giralda Plaza. (Downtown Coral Gables & Miracle Mile)

A look inside Giralda Plaza’s Threefold Cafe. (Ennis Davis, AICP)

Giralda Plaza. (Downtown Coral Gables & Miracle Mile)

A Salmon Scramble 2.0 with a side of bacon at Threefold Cafe. (Ennis Davis, AICP)

Giralda Plaza. (Downtown Coral Gables & Miracle Mile)

A view of Giralda Plaza from the inside of Giralda Plaza’s Pasion del Cielo Coffee. (Ennis Davis, AICP)

Article by Ennis Davis, AICP. Contact Ennis at