72 hours on foot in Havana, Cuba

Modern Cities visits a city established as a strategic location for the Spanish conquest of the Americas during the 16th century: Havana, Cuba.

32. Dinner near Plaza de la Catedral

33. Barrio del Arte

34. Old Havana from the roof of the Hotel Nacional De Cuba

35. Calle Neptuno

36. Calle Neptuno

37. Paseo del Prado


39. Hotel Telegrafo

40. Parque Central


42. Bar Cabaña Restaurant on Calle Cuba

43. Terminal Sierra Maestra has been renovated into a cruise ship terminal.


45. Another view of Terminal Sierra Maestra

46. A live band at Dos Hermanos

47. Calle Sol

48. Almacenes San José Artisans’ Market

49. Inside Almacenes San José Artisans’ Market

50. The industrial waterfront in the rear of Almacenes San José Artisans’ Market.

51. La Habana Central (Havana Central Railway Station)

52. The birthplace of Cuban National hero José Martí (the yellow house).

53. Looking north down Avenida Bélgica

54. Looking south down Avenida Bélgica

55. Calle Obispo

56. Calle Obispo at night

57. Looking north down Calle Mercaderes

58. Plaza Vieja at night

59. Calle San Ignacio at night

60. A roof top grilled Cuban seafood dinner.

61. La Catedral de la Virgen María de la Concepción Inmaculada de La Habana (Havana Cathedral) and Plaza de la Catedral

62. Casa Particular de Graciela (Airbnb) on Calle O’Reilly

Article and photographs by Ennis Davis, AICP. Davis is a certified senior planner and graduate of Florida A&M University. He is the author of the award winning books “Reclaiming Jacksonville,” “Cohen Brothers: The Big Store” and “Images of Modern America: Jacksonville.” Davis has served with various organizations committed to improving urban communities, including the American Planning Association and the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation. A 2013 Next City Vanguard, Davis is the co-founder of Metro Jacksonville.com and ModernCities.com — two websites dedicated to promoting fiscally sustainable communities — and Transform Jax, a tactical urbanist group. Contact Ennis at edavis@moderncities.com