7 buildings that don't look as good as they once did

Be careful the next time you curse a building as a bad piece of architecture. Sometimes looks aren't always what they seem. Here's seven downtown Jacksonville buildings that have been modified beyond recognition. With a little hope, maybe it's not too late to restore a few back to their original grandeur.

1. Claude Nolan Cadillac Building

937 North Main Street

Claude Nolan Cadillac a century ago. (State Archives of Florida)

The Claude Nolan Cadillac Building is one of a few H.J. Klutho buildings still standing that has been altered beyond recognition. When it was completed in 1912, the automobile showroom was a Prairie-style building with large plate glass windows, a projecting cornice and a suspended canopy. In 1948, a W.A. Moore designed renovation project modified the facade into what exists today.