4 little known facts about Ft Lauderdale we should know

A major tourist destination and yachting center with 165 miles of canals, Fort Lauderdale is known for several things. Being called a walkable city is not one of them. In 2003, the city launched a plan which specified design and density standards to encourage the development of a pedestrian-friendly place to live, work and play.

<h1>2. Central Business District</h1>

With over four million square feet of Class A office space, downtown Fort Lauderdale is the largest in Broward County and the second largest in South Florida.</b>

Completed in 2004, the 410-foot, 42-story Las Olas River House (right) is the tallest building in the city.

Broward College was established in 1959 as the Junior College of Broward County. The college’s Willis Holcombe Center, houses its administrative offices and 210,000-square-feet of classroom space.

Looking north along SE 2nd Avenue towards SE 1st Street.

The 374-foot, 28-story One Financial Plaza (left) was Fort Lauderdale’s tallest when it was completed in 1972. It remained the city’s tallest until the 110 Tower topped out in 1988. The 24-story Broward Financial Center (right) was completed in 1985.

SE 5th Avenue runs two blocks between the Broward Financial Center and Las Olas Boulevard.

Looking north on SE 3rd Avenue from SE 9th Street

Brooklyn Water Bagel Company at SE 3rd Avenue and SE 6th Street

Looking west down SE 6th Street at the new $213 million, 20-story Broward County Courthouse (right) and the 30-story, 110 Tower (left).

Parking for this Publix Super Market is located on the roof of the building.

<h1>Next Page: Flagler Village</h1>